Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Top Ten Television Shows of All Time

The Top Ten Television Shows of All Time

I know that I'm going to hear a lot of complaints about my top ten but like I have said before it's only my opinion and everyone has different tastes when it comes to what they watch. There is no way you would ever find a reality show on this list because I don't take that as serious acting or anything worth watching.

  10. The Odd Couple

9. 90210

8. The Honeymooners

7. Family Ties

6. The Simpsons

5. Married with Children

4. Seinfeld

3. Friends

2. 24

1. Lost

Honorable Mentions
Saturday Night Live
Everybody Loves Raymond
Whose The Boss?
I Love Lucy
Sex and the City
The Sopranos

Thanks for your time

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